a buddhist carnival – february 2008 (part 2)

good morning! here is part 2 of the february 2008 edition of a buddhist carnival. enlightenment two people speak on this topic. matthew spears presents an interesting contemplation on the nature of enlightenment. among others, he compares three concepts of enlightenment. he argues that enlightenment is a perception and “because it is a perception, from… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – february 2008 (part 2)

a buddhist carnival – february 2008 (part 1)

hello my friends! it’s time for the february edition of a buddhist carnival. once again, we have many good submissions, and i’ll post this edition in two parts. frozen peas because it’s friday – frozen peas friday – i’ll start with a blog entry by a buddhist writing about breast cancer. like susan reynolds, “whymommy”… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – february 2008 (part 1)

a buddhist carnival – 3rd edition, part 2

here is part 2 of the january buddhist carnival. you can find part one here. t he first two posts will be particularly interesting to people who are just starting to explore buddhism. samuel bryson talks about living in the now – the philosophy of happiness with a twist of zen at his blog total… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – 3rd edition, part 2

a buddhist carnival – 3rd edition, part 1

welcome, friends, to january’s edition of a buddhist carnival. like last time, i’ll divide it into two parts, just to make it a bit easier to read. let’s start with fellow therapist wayne c. allen, who talks about non-duality at the phoenix centre blog. non-duality … is about loosening one’s grip on “one note being”.… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – 3rd edition, part 1

a buddhist carnival – 2nd edition, part 3

okay, here we go, part three of this month’s buddhist carnival. the first post is directly related to buddhism; the other ones discuss topics that are often dealt with in buddhist practice and literature. talking to your zen mind the middle way, you’re soaking in it is a post we can find at traviseneix, describing… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – 2nd edition, part 3

a buddhist carnival – 2nd edition, part 2

here’s part 2 of this month’s buddhist carnival, a conglomeration of voices from the buddhosphere. wonder where part 1 is? it’s here. integral buddhism my blogging friend william reflects on what he sees as a shortcoming in famous atheist sam harris‘ view of buddhism, which, william thinks, concentrates too much on the “technique” of meditation.… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – 2nd edition, part 2

a buddhist carnival – 1st edition!

this is really exciting – our first buddhist carnival! the plan is for this carnival to feature first and foremost articles that directly and specifically talk about buddhist practice, reflection and ideas. however, there will also be room for posts that may not explicitly mention buddhism but touch on concepts intrinsic to it. as adam… Continue reading a buddhist carnival – 1st edition!

time to eat or time to feel?

bad buddhist vs. the sixth precept is the title of a blog post by marie that was submitted to the last carnival of eating disorders. i was quite intrigued by it and would like to talk a bit more about it. buddhist precepts, says diane esshin rizzetto in waking up to what you do can… Continue reading time to eat or time to feel?