is there something you’ve always wanted to say about mental health? here’s your chance – the call for speakers for MentalHealthCamp 2010. we are looking for session leaders who speak from personal or professional experience with mental health or mental illness. we will have 9 slots for prearranged speakers (e.g. approved by the selection committee),… Continue reading call for speakers for mental health camp
Tag: mentalhealthcamp
mental health and mental illness in different cultures
the last few days, i have been thinking repeatedly about the ideas fellow vancouver blogger karen fung has brought up in her post on march 9. she muses about three topics, all of which fascinating. the one about mental health issues with immigrant populations is particularly intriguing, perhaps because for the past year, i’ve mostly… Continue reading mental health and mental illness in different cultures
MentalHealthCamp – a whole conference about mental health and blogging
coping digitally, a session at the 2009 northern voice blogging conference that talked about the intersection of blogging and mental health and how social media can help derease the stigma of mental health was a real success. raul did a live blog of the session. thanks, raul! the overwhelming feedback, during and after the session,… Continue reading MentalHealthCamp – a whole conference about mental health and blogging