to my fellow bloggers who like to write about inspiration: one of my blogging buddies, damien at postcards from the funny farm, has a group writing/writing contest project called amazing visions. it closes on july 1 (extended deadline) and here is what it’s about can you think of someone you admire? maybe it’s for their… Continue reading quickie: inspiration
Month: June 2008
creativity: a way out of depression?
john over at storied mind has taken up the thread of the discussion on creativity that i started a while ago with Psyblog and, creative person that he is, is talking about it in connection with depression. let me add a bit to that discussion. first of all, i’d like to say that if someone… Continue reading creativity: a way out of depression?
a review-me post: health insurance
as you’ve seen, i’ve started experimenting with monetizing this blog. (it’s all fellow vancouverite john chow’s fault). part of this experimentation is with “review me” paid reviews. so let me disclose up front that i’m getting paid a whopping $10 to write this (it’s my first review; it might take me a month or 40… Continue reading a review-me post: health insurance
a buddhist carnival on father’s day
hello friends, and thanks for visiting this month’s buddhist carnival! before we start, i want to say: happy father’s day! and i want to tell you a bit about my father, who passed away 12 years ago. it was my father who awakened my interest in buddhism. buddhism was a philosophy that suited my father… Continue reading a buddhist carnival on father’s day
mental health, cancer and art
this is my first peopleized interview. peopleized is a site where you can find people to interview, offer yourself for interviews, and post interviews, which are then available for anyone to use. neat concept. [update on september 2009: that site doesn’t seem to alive anymore] it’s friday, so of course this is a frozen pea… Continue reading mental health, cancer and art
job search and depression
head over to jacob’s blog JobMob for a post he invited me to guest write for his series on job search and depression. there’s the beginning of an interesting conversation in the comment section, why don’t you join in!
no words this wednesday. but a mask.
image by sinsiwinsi
truth and reconciliation for canada’s first nations residential school victims
this week, prime minister stephen harper will issue an official apology about the abuse that happened during canada’s apartheid time, when for decades, first nations (aboriginal) children were taken away from their families and boarded in residential schools where they were to be made into white people. more often than not, on top of the… Continue reading truth and reconciliation for canada’s first nations residential school victims
more on the 12 steps: step 5
it’s been almost a year that i last discussed a step from the 12-step programs a la AA. thankfully, someone made a comment on another 12-step post, and that spurred me on to another post. while the 12 steps were originally intended to help alcoholics and addicts, they have proven to be a fine blueprint… Continue reading more on the 12 steps: step 5
frozen pea friday: a buddhist on cancer
for today’s weekly frozen pea breast cancer post, i was wondering what some of the buddhists on the net say about cancer and came across reverend mugo from jade mountains. this blog is “an expression of gratitude to all those who read, leave comments and provide support by offering dana, friendship, hospitality, guidance, and encouragement.”… Continue reading frozen pea friday: a buddhist on cancer