alcohol, art, sobriety and escape

the following was a comment on my blog post alcohol and art. i really enjoyed the insights, and with the commenter’s (lew’s) permission, i am sharing the gift of his reflections here. it’s hard to know what’s real anymore. on the one hand i know that alcohol hinders me, certainly in my social life, but… Continue reading alcohol, art, sobriety and escape

out of bounds! what’s possible?

joanna at confident writing has a neat new group writing project: the theme is possibility. the challenge, should you accept it, is this: 1. break out of your current blogging comfort zone and 2. post something that’s written in a form you haven’t used before, or that’s created using a different medium. a new form… Continue reading out of bounds! what’s possible?

reaching out with a poem

a while ago, my lovely online friend and fellow therapist sarah luczaj sent me a copy of her little book of poetry, an urgent request. such a small and unassuming book. so much yummy poetry in there. thaw if your silence should fall from balance, from form, from branches to water with a sliding sound… Continue reading reaching out with a poem

digging for a voice: reflections

a few reflections on the essay on women philosophers in the last post. one of the things i got from that course in women’s studies is a bit of a background in and also support for the concept of writing in and from the first voice, in writing from and about the particular: “what i… Continue reading digging for a voice: reflections

digging for a voice

what follows are excerpts from an essay i wrote in 1995 on women in philosophy, and how women’s voices often speak more to the particular (i.e. real life examples and experiences) rather than the general. it is interesting to look back on it, to see what’s still the case, and what has changed. in the… Continue reading digging for a voice

free-form writing frenzy #5: truth. epistemology.

elizabeth’s writing prompt #5 my quirks and errors are part of my truth. truth. such a harsh mistress. in order to know my truth, i have to know myself. like anyone else, i have i don’t know how many bones, i don’t know how many muscles, i don’t know how many kilometres of gut, hair… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #5: truth. epistemology.

free-form writing frenzy #4: motivate or mayonnaise?

free-form writing prompt #4: are you motivated? are you motivated? are you motivated? are you motivated? are you motivated yet???? sounds like some frenzied sports coach. yuk. i don’t WANNA be motivated. so there. hows DEM apples, as t would say. it sounds like someone with a whip. i don’t really like whips. slave driver.… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #4: motivate or mayonnaise?

free-form writing frenzy #3: creative mistakes

today’s writing prompt is: i create problems for myself just so i can get creatively turned on. ha! this is for you, ray [a lawyer i worked for back in the eighties]. numbers here, numbers there, tumbling all over the place and rarely getting to their assigned seat. number monkeys. taxes unpaid. misspellings. words misheard.… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #3: creative mistakes

free-form writing frenzy #2: how soft can you swim?

“however small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep” – that’s elizabeth’s 5-minute writing prompt for today. here’s what i came up with: wow, that’s far. how much is that? i have to think in metres. four thousand times 1.6 is … is … 4,000, 2,000 and 400 that’s 6,400 metres… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #2: how soft can you swim?

free-form writing frenzy

i’ve decided to participate in the free-form writing frenzy.  every day for a week i will write and post a quick 5-minute writing burst following the prompt that is given.  (don’t worry, i’ll also write my regular posts 🙂 today: moss moss – green and soft and fluffy and in the forest. reminds me of… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy