buddhist carnival, may 2009 – the mixed-bag-it’s-all-connected edition

may 15 – time for another buddhist carnival. if you want to see previous buddhist carnivals, go here. today there is no topic, really, just a criss-cross romp through the buddhasphere. another enlightenment machine … like the one you see depicted to the right. here are some explanations i have made an exciting new “thought… Continue reading buddhist carnival, may 2009 – the mixed-bag-it’s-all-connected edition

peaceful communication – problems and solutions

in the last few months, i have had much occasion to think about the concept of nonviolent or peaceful communication. there is the general idea of nonviolent communication, and then there is nonviolent communication as it has been much talked about lately, created by marshal rosenberg. in his definition, NVC is a way of relating… Continue reading peaceful communication – problems and solutions

blogging yourself home – the books

for the blogging yourself home workshop at MentalHealthCamp, i had referred to a number of books in addition to leon tan’s fabulous article on MySpace and blogging as a form of self therapy. here they are: writing from the heart – tapping the power of your inner voice, by nancy slonim aronie love the friendly,… Continue reading blogging yourself home – the books

blogging yourself home – part 2

in my last MentalHealthCamp post, we started talking about what the word “home” means to us. the wordle image here illustrates what some of the commenters in that post said, as well as what was mentioned during the workshop at MentalHealthCamp. what happens when you are in this good home, and you’re going through a… Continue reading blogging yourself home – part 2

blogging yourself home

here is part 1 of my presentation at MentalHealthCamp on the topic “blogging yourself home – writing, blogging and creativity.” i’ll present it as if i was talking at the presentation and treat you, dear readers, as if you were participants in the workshop. here we go … when i was a little girl, there… Continue reading blogging yourself home