inspired by TED talk gaming can make a better world, i joined urgent evoke, a game that is “a crash course in saving the world.” the idea is to learn about, act on and imagine solutions for the things that cry out for answers in our world today – from energy needs to poverty to… Continue reading urgent evoke: new solutions?
Category: the net
weekly mental health chat on twitter
@abeeliever from una vita bella on twitter just started a regular mental health chat on twitter (tuesdays at 9pm CST – hashtag #mhsm). for a taste of what happened there, go to my post on the MentalHealthCamp blog.
blog action day
october 15 is blog action day. blog action day is an annual event that unites the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. the aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. the goal first and last, the purpose of blog action day is to create a discussion. bloggers… Continue reading blog action day
what poem opens your heart?
after the post on happy questions last friday, i decided to ask some happy questions on twitter and it was a wonderful weekend conversation. you can find most of it by searching for #happyquestion on twitter. one of the questions was inspired by qrystal, one of the first people i ever followed on twitter (it… Continue reading what poem opens your heart?
diversity and inclusion
here’s a little more from raul’s blog. the topic raul broached was diversity. by the way, those of you who are not engaged in social media, please don’t run away. because guess what – what’s happening in social media is very similar to what’s happening IRL – i mean, in real life 🙂 raul quotes… Continue reading diversity and inclusion
the meta of twitter
raul started, or continued, a conversation on his blog that i think we should all take seriously (or let’s say, play with). he states there is a need for higher-level, more philosophical/ethical/larger scale discussions in the social media world, and about topics on internet and society. frequent readers of my blog know that i totally… Continue reading the meta of twitter
blog post #1000: possible dreams
this is my entry for joanna young’s newest mission impossible group writing project where she challenged writers to push their blogging boundaries. i had asked you, my dear readers, to suggest what i should do. all kinds of interesting ideas came up and i’ll definitely try to incorporate as many as possible in my blog… Continue reading blog post #1000: possible dreams
why we blog and other intelligent waxings on self-expression
i just want to send some kudos to hank for his fabulous blog post want to know what i think? in that post, hank waxes intelligently and humourously and historically about what makes us blog, or generally express ourselves, like martin luther, famous for publicly posting his disagreements with catholic dogma (except for the parts… Continue reading why we blog and other intelligent waxings on self-expression
will and willpower
while my blog was in hiatus, i was not entirely silent. conversations happened on twitter, for example this one regarding the concepts of “will” and “will power”, mostly with gassho. i was going to comment on some of these, also give you the tweets of what other people were saying. but perhaps it would be… Continue reading will and willpower