inability to regulate feelings at the root of fear of flying?

a guest post by captain tom, on the topic of fear of flying that we’ve discussed on and off here on this blog. first, by way of introduction, i’m both an airline captain and a licensed therapist. working with people who have trouble with flying has been my specialty for twenty-eight years. i am fully… Continue reading inability to regulate feelings at the root of fear of flying?

meaningful stories and idle chatter

a theme for me in the last little while has been to hear from others, “i don’t want to talk about this because i don’t want to be a burden.” i honestly think i’m wired differently than most people. hearing people’s meaningful stories, whatever they’re about, is rarely, rarely a burden for me. and when… Continue reading meaningful stories and idle chatter

a solution for “but”

this morning i posted this on twitter: question to my buddhist friends: fear of connecting deeply with dharma/the divine = fear of ego death? william replied in a blog post, ego and the self. he has some interesting thoughts there that i encourage you to explore, and finishes thusly: the more we meditate and practice… Continue reading a solution for “but”

walking away from guilt: a conversation, part 2

this is a continuation of my blog post a little while ago on helping a person overcome guilt. clara’s and my exchanges were a conversation, with a thread going through it of questions (on my part) and replies (on carla’s). at the end of our process, i asked clara to tell me which questions were… Continue reading walking away from guilt: a conversation, part 2

“my computer is my horse” – isabella’s artist statement

yesterday, sarah luczaj talked about her experience of the connection between therapy and creativity. today it’s my turn. i dug up an artists’ statement i wrote three years ago, and which still holds true. i write and perform poems, and as a counsellor, i accompany people on their journey as they perform the art of… Continue reading “my computer is my horse” – isabella’s artist statement

therapy and creativity

this is a guest post by sarah luczaj, a british therapist and writer, living in poland. she runs an online therapy practice  at and has a poetry chapbook, “an urgent request” coming soon from fortunate daughter press.  sarah and i met through the counselling resource blog at i never quite manage to concentrate… Continue reading therapy and creativity

hypnotherapy and fear of flying

in this paid review, let me talk a little about fear of flying. i wrote about it last year, when i told you a about my first flight after having experienced a rather terrifying attack of fear of flying in a flight a few years earlier. there were six elements that helped me overcome that… Continue reading hypnotherapy and fear of flying

psychotherapy: understanding versus explaining

today, let me point you to an article i wrote at counselling resource, with the title psychotherapy clients as … humans? here is the excerpt: is psychotherapy about “cases” to be explained, or about individual persons who need and benefit from understanding? in this review of an article by psychotherapist janet l. etzi, we look… Continue reading psychotherapy: understanding versus explaining

letting go of guilt: a conversation

earlier this year, i wrote a few posts on guilt. this turned into a case study with one of my readers where over the course of a few months, we sent emails back and forth. this reader, let’s call her carla, has agreed to publish some of our emails. of course, we’ve changed some of… Continue reading letting go of guilt: a conversation


during the blogathon, one of the entries was about about a woman leaving a cult. coincidentally, just a few days later, one of my stumbleupon friends pointed me to steven hassan’s work. interestingly enough, this also led me to another article relevant to a blogathon post about guru shopping. from what i’ve seen so far,… Continue reading cults