free-form writing frenzy #5: truth. epistemology.

elizabeth’s writing prompt #5 my quirks and errors are part of my truth. truth. such a harsh mistress. in order to know my truth, i have to know myself. like anyone else, i have i don’t know how many bones, i don’t know how many muscles, i don’t know how many kilometres of gut, hair… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #5: truth. epistemology.

free-form writing frenzy #4: motivate or mayonnaise?

free-form writing prompt #4: are you motivated? are you motivated? are you motivated? are you motivated? are you motivated yet???? sounds like some frenzied sports coach. yuk. i don’t WANNA be motivated. so there. hows DEM apples, as t would say. it sounds like someone with a whip. i don’t really like whips. slave driver.… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #4: motivate or mayonnaise?

free-form writing frenzy #3: creative mistakes

today’s writing prompt is: i create problems for myself just so i can get creatively turned on. ha! this is for you, ray [a lawyer i worked for back in the eighties]. numbers here, numbers there, tumbling all over the place and rarely getting to their assigned seat. number monkeys. taxes unpaid. misspellings. words misheard.… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #3: creative mistakes

free-form writing frenzy #2: how soft can you swim?

“however small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep” – that’s elizabeth’s 5-minute writing prompt for today. here’s what i came up with: wow, that’s far. how much is that? i have to think in metres. four thousand times 1.6 is … is … 4,000, 2,000 and 400 that’s 6,400 metres… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy #2: how soft can you swim?

free-form writing frenzy

i’ve decided to participate in the free-form writing frenzy.  every day for a week i will write and post a quick 5-minute writing burst following the prompt that is given.  (don’t worry, i’ll also write my regular posts 🙂 today: moss moss – green and soft and fluffy and in the forest. reminds me of… Continue reading free-form writing frenzy

blogging yourself home – the books

for the blogging yourself home workshop at MentalHealthCamp, i had referred to a number of books in addition to leon tan’s fabulous article on MySpace and blogging as a form of self therapy. here they are: writing from the heart – tapping the power of your inner voice, by nancy slonim aronie love the friendly,… Continue reading blogging yourself home – the books

blogging yourself home – part 2

in my last MentalHealthCamp post, we started talking about what the word “home” means to us. the wordle image here illustrates what some of the commenters in that post said, as well as what was mentioned during the workshop at MentalHealthCamp. what happens when you are in this good home, and you’re going through a… Continue reading blogging yourself home – part 2

blogging yourself home

here is part 1 of my presentation at MentalHealthCamp on the topic “blogging yourself home – writing, blogging and creativity.” i’ll present it as if i was talking at the presentation and treat you, dear readers, as if you were participants in the workshop. here we go … when i was a little girl, there… Continue reading blogging yourself home

the lyric self

this is another guest post by sarah luczaj, a british therapist and writer, living in poland. she runs an online therapy practice  at and has a poetry chapbook, “an urgent request” coming soon from fortunate daughter press, an imprint of tebot bach.  sarah is a freequent commenter on this blog, and a propos poetry… Continue reading the lyric self