carnival of eating disorders #23 – part 2

here’s part 2 of eating disorders carnival #23, a monthly blog carnival about eating disorders, body image and related issues. part 1 is here. intuitive eating: challenge the food police through thick’n’thin has a series of posts where the book “intuitive eating” by evelyn tribole and elyse resch is discussed. the book contains ‘the in-body… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #23 – part 2

2 years of carnival of eating disorders!

welcome to two years of the carnival of eating disorders! yes, it’s been two years as of today. here’s how it all started: if you’re not familiar with blog carnivals, you may think this is an odd name – this link here will tell you more about blog carnivals. this carnival contains articles about bulimia,… Continue reading 2 years of carnival of eating disorders!

a mystery about weight and shame: two weeks under

here’s another book i read recently – two weeks under, by rivka tadjer. doing these book reviews reminds me a bit of my aunt. she loved buying clothes but she’d often get sick of them real quick, and then she’d ask me if i wanted them. she was 40 years older than i so –… Continue reading a mystery about weight and shame: two weeks under

disfigured: anorexia, obesity and a friendship

reviews seem to be the theme these days. here’s a video i was sent – disfigured. i wonder who shouldn’t watch it. one-track-mind rambo fans, perhaps. people who can’t stand delving into other people’s psyches. those who don’t like sex scenes on screen, no matter how elegantly presented. and if you don’t like watching people… Continue reading disfigured: anorexia, obesity and a friendship

carnival of eating disorders, november 2008 edition

here is the november edition of the carnival of eating disorders! anorexia and “becoming unspecial” lola snow has a thoughtful post on the notion of being special, something very important for a lot of people who are in the throes of anorexia. some would say that being anorexic is about being special, about showing the… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, november 2008 edition

carnival of eating disorders on hallowe’en

it’s hallowe’en! i’m busy being a fashion mistake – that’s my costume for this year. this picture gives you a bit of a taste of but it doesn’t show the real nice touches – the smeared rouge, the bags under the eyes, the wool socks over the leopard pyjamas under the fancy black skirt –… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders on hallowe’en

carnival of eating disorders #20

this month’s carnival of eating disorders is hosted by laura collins at are you eating with your anorexic? please visit, she has done a fantastic job – she’s turned it into an actual carnival! next month’s will be here again, on october 31 – yes, the hallowe’en issue. if you have an article about any… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #20

overeating and anorexia: a dialogue

“yes, it is possible to lose too much weight,” said joshua seth in one of his submissions to the carnival of eating disorders, talking about courtney love’s unfortunate adventures with all kinds of eating disorders. my first reaction to this was, “well, yes, duh!” but then it got me to thinking. while we read and… Continue reading overeating and anorexia: a dialogue

carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition – part 2

okay, here we are with part 2 of the 19th carnival of eating disorders. part 1 was about anorexia; this one contains articles on overeating and body image. overeating cravings cravings – your biggest motivator is the title of FitNChic’s article: most people give up their efforts after a while because they feel they are… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition – part 2

carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition

welcome to the august 2008 edition of the carnival of eating disorders! there is a lot of interesting material, so i’ll do the same that i do with the buddhist carnival and present the articles in two different posts. this first post will deal with anorexia. the second will deal with body image and overeating.… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders, august 2008 edition