carnival of eating disorders #15

ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: the 15th carnival of eating disorders! anorexia an x-ray technician talks about three generations of women with eating disorders. she describes anorexia as an addiction: unlike other addictions, anorexia is something you don’t do. to be an alcoholic you have to find alcohol to drink. drug addicts have… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #15

recovering from anorexia: anorexia talk

if i’d have to separate out the most frequently used word to find this blog, it’s “anorexia”. phrases like “anorexia article”, “anorexia symptoms” and “recovery from anorexia” bring people to this blog over and over again. recovering from anorexia: 10 activities is consistently in the most read 10 articles. so there’s a lot of need… Continue reading recovering from anorexia: anorexia talk

carnival of eating disorders #13

welcome to this month’s carnival of eating disorders, a monthly collection of interesting posts on eating disorders and related issues such as anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, cumpulsive exercising and overeating. it’s interesting that this carnival is right after the progressive dinner carnival, isn’t it? lots of stuff about food … because we were so inclusive with… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #13

anorexia, obesity and sex – a discussion

there are some interesting comments on the anorexia and sex article (part of a series, the thread of which can be found at the end of this post). one commenter is “dude with a mission”. normally i’m a bit hesitant to engage in conversations with people who don’t leave a valid email address, but dude… Continue reading anorexia, obesity and sex – a discussion

anorexia and the six ways of the bodhisattva

on our somewhat eventful drive back from kelowna, i lost, for the second time, my copy of pema chodron’s the places that scare you. i think the little book fell out when i got out of the car after we had just ploughed into a snow bank in order to avoid a collision (don’t worry,… Continue reading anorexia and the six ways of the bodhisattva

carnival of eating disorders #11

welcome to the november 30, 2007 edition of carnival of eating disorders. i see this carnival as serving two purposes: one, as a concert of the voices who live with eating disorders – as people personally affected by them, as friends and loved ones, as professionals. the other purpose is to educate people who do… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #11

recovering from anorexia: a treasure trove of wisdom

last year, i had a post entitled recovering from anorexia: 10 activities. over the months, we’ve had some important conversations on that post and a lot of wisdom from people who are overcoming anorexia. i’d like to present this wisdom here in a somewhat organized and easy-to-read format. these are all things that have helped… Continue reading recovering from anorexia: a treasure trove of wisdom

anorexic porn – the TV sequel

do you want to be on TV? you may remember my project on anorexia and sex a little while ago. i wanted to know what was behind internet searches for phrases like “anorexic porn”, “anorexic sex”, “anorexic nudes” and the like. i put together a little study; the results are here, in anorexia and sex… Continue reading anorexic porn – the TV sequel

carnival of eating disorders #10

welcome to this month’s carnival of eating disorders, a reader’s digest of blog posts about mental health issues related to problems such as anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, binge eating disorder, food addiction, exercise anorexia, as well as body image. parents and anorexia let’s start with a very controversial issue: pro-anorexia mothers. ex-model, ex-anorexic “mamavision” refers to… Continue reading carnival of eating disorders #10

anorexia, appetites, and avoidance

gaining by aimee liu is a fascinating book. it’s about surviving anorexia and bulimia, and about and for survivors of these eating disorders. however, it’s so well written, and such a great mix of scientific information, journalism and autobiography, it would be a joy to read even for people who are not primarily interested in… Continue reading anorexia, appetites, and avoidance